Thursday 29 March 2012

Oh Blogging Hell or 'David Tries a Scratch-card'

A fine start to my blogging career I feel.

I've always wanted to try my hand at this blogging business, and silly excuses have always held me back. There is no actual excuse though in this day and age I feel to call yourself a writer and not publish your writing in the simplest of ways. Faced by this worrying realisation I decided I'd better get a move on with the whole thing. My biggest obstacle has always been the continual feeling of being stumped as to what to write about. I do write though, a theme of this blog will be my striving to get my first novel published. I spoke to a literary agent not two hours ago at my university and hold her business card in my hand as I blog to you! Well not in my hand, I'm typing, a renowned two handed activity, but it's nearby I assure you!

I have a vast array of things near to me, and it was these and other things which led me to my blog idea, my thing to write about. I realise that I buy an awful lot of things that you'd probably say I don't need being a student of minimal funds. However I continue to buy books, and films, and magazines, and new, unusual exciting foods to tickle my taste-buds. I figured why not write about this! And then move onto other things. I decided that if I could I'd try something new at least once a week and then record my findings in the hope that someone might be interested. Today for instance I bought a GQ magazine, not at all enticed by the sexy lady on the glossy front cover. And the other day I bought 'Photography for Dummies', my latest attempt to be jack of all trades at all things creative. So expect many moody, artsy-fartsy, yet ultimately quite rubbish photos of things around my lovely Twickenham student house in blogs to come!

Therefore my blog will be one of many forms, sometimes book reviews, sometimes film reviews, or food reviews as anyone who knows me will tell you I have a vast array of cookbooks in the hope that I'll absorb some kind of actual cookery talent and create some recipes of my own. Quickly, to encompass my blog's raison d'etre (that's right, I went French on you) ...probably could have worded that differently, but I come to my 'new thing' for today, or yesterday rather.

I digress, yesterday I found a scratch-card in one of my many magazine subscriptions. I'm sure as most magazine readers (and I'm in the 'aholic' category) do, on opening my shiny new Empire magazine proclaiming that I'll be intrigued by Prometheus, a rather cool, yet terrifying prequel to the Alien series, a scratch-card fell into my lap. Naturally I scratched it, and as always I found I'd won. Instead of having a moan as I'm sure my dad would do about scams, I decided to text the number I had been given to see if I'd won £1 million. What a coup for my first blog! A million smackers sitting in my back pocket to spend on all the new things I could dream of!

Alas I didn't win a million pounds, however I did win (allegedly - still skeptical yet ever-hopeful) a trip for two on a posh Thames cruise, and a trip to a similarly posh salon to get a free expensive haircut! Not perturbed by my lack of £1 million, I'm going to follow this up and use the code they gave me to see if I can blog from the Thames, preferably with some kind of supermodel looking girl at my side sipping champagne.

I managed to attract her because of my sexy free haircut.

So I shall keep you posted on my quest to get many nice things for minimal effort or money. Surely the task of any student.

I hope you read this and my following entries on here. Well I guess you have now being at this end of the post!

There, that was rather painless, hope to see you again on here soon.

DS :)

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